copyright (ゥ) 1993-1997, by Richard C. Cardona, Austin, Tx, USA
Shareware: USD $5 per copy (site licenses available)
Requires System 7.0, works with System 7.0.x, 7.1.x, 7.5.x, MacOS 7.6.x, and now MacOS 8.0
Release Date: 15 July, 1997
What does "Click, there it is!" do?
Click, there is is! enhances an intuitive feature of the Mac, e.g. point-and-click within Open/Save dialog boxes.
Click, there it is! is something Apple should have done in the Open/Save dialog boxes since the invention of "multitasking." Have you ever wanted to Open/Save a document into a place where the Finder already has a window opened for it? If you see the window in the Finder you can instantly make that your current folder for opening or saving simply by clicking on it. If the Open/Save dialog should happen to obscure the Finder window you are looking for, then simply drag it out of the way by dragging it from any point along the frame!
Power User Tip
Click, there it is! is enhanced by WindowShade. WindowShade lets you open many Finder windows and shrink them down to their title bars for easy clicking. WindowShade is now a visible part of the MacOS 8 windowing system (Collapse Box).
Upcoming in version 1.5.x
Ability to undo last the directory change,
Popup menu with a list of the Finder windows open (in case they're all obscured)
Changing cursors for popping a list of Finder windows and dragging the Open/Save dialogs
Contact info
Richard C. Cardona
USMail: P.O. Box 7914
Austin, TX 78713-7914
Distribution: complete package must be delivered. No restrictions if the only cost to the end-user is duplication. E-mail me for commercial/for profit bundling and site licenses.
CapMac - 4 years and going...
Capitol Macintosh, Austin's Macintosh Users Group
Capitol Macintosh
P.O. Box 684661
Austin, Tx 78768
CapMac OnLine First Class Groupware Server (512) 440-0025, 6 lines with 33.6k v.34
Internet: Port 3000
Web address:
Version History
1.0.8 - compatible with MacOS 8.0 Finder
1.0.7 - fixed a folder display problem with StandardGetFile (based on 1.0.6)
1.0.7b1 - limited release available for performance, KanjiTalk problems
1.0.4 - Fixed a crash when a file filter is supplied to a StandardGetFile call.
1.0.3 - not released
1.0.2 - No more obnoxious sound and the code that plays it.
1.0.1 - Runs on 68000 Macs, monitors the Finder better, fixes minor problems.
1.0.0 - first public release
Known issues
Click, there it is! fat patches a frequently used system trap. Although I cause no unnecessary mode switches, I make system calls that slow down that trap a bit. I've had two or three independent requests to address the issue. I have improved the performance in testing versions but I'm not happy with it. I plan to revisit this in version 1.5.x or later.
Click, there it is! is incompatible with KanjiTalk because of a re-entrancy problem. I have a work around if you're really interested but it has a side-effect if you quit and restart the Finder. I plan to fix this correctly in version 1.5.x or newer.
Compatibility History
MacOS 8 support
MacSki, Sun Java JDK applet viewer
Inside Mac is a little unclear about the behavior of the file filter with respect to folder filtering. I now perform folder filtering in StandardGetFile() instead of calling a supplied filter. I may revisit this issue and limit it further in a future version.
Redraw Problems when dragging Open/Save
Some applications can't handle updates when dragging the Open/Save dialog - this can cause redrawing problems until the Open/Save dialog is dismissed. Contact the developer and mention that they need to handle update events during Open/Save per Apple's Update Perils Tech Note.
ZipIt, BBEdit, MacPerl, MacWeb to name a few...
Click, there it is! mangled some Open/Save calls with custom filters prior to version 1.0.4. This was the most serious bug so far. Basically I mangled the stack with wrong number of arguments and I was also passing -1 in the form of 0xFF.. with one less F than expected.
To this date I have no problems testing Click, there it is! with all 3.5.x versions, including version 3.5.9.
Custom Third Party Open/Save WDEFs
Dragging the Open/Save dialogs requires WDEFs to implement modal windows like Apple, i.e. a small gap between the "inContent" region and the size of the "portRect".
Norton Directory Assistance (Norton 2.x)
Click, there it is! must load after Norton's Directory Assistance II
Programmer/Technical info
Version 1.0.8 developed with Metrowerks CodeWarrior DR 9
Previous versions developed with Symantec C++ and CodeWarrior DR 5-6
Click, there it is! obtains running copies of the Finder's low memory global LMGetWindowList() and store it for future use. It then patches _Pack3 with and converts all SFGet/Put, StandardGet/Put File calls to respective SFPGet/Put, CustomGet/Put with my filters. My filters are tailpatched to call any custom filters if they are supplied. Whenever the user clicks outside of the open/save dialog, I switch out the current WindowList with the Finder's (if it's running) and call FindWindow(), then I restore the WindowList. Once I have the Finder's window I access undocumented structures (which changed in MacOS 8! and is different between 68K and PPC!!) to get the DirID and vrefnum of the folder. I store the appropriate info in LMSetSFSaveDisk() and LMSetCurDirStore() then I return "sfHookRebuildList" to the Hook function. That's it.